This is going to be a treat Hedge Schoolers! I have been just anxiously awaiting the week I get to share parts of the wonderful conversations I’ve been having with some of my favorite humans.
In order to fully experience the fullness of Question 3) What are the best examples of being human? Who? And what do these practices look like? from our How to be Human list I reached out to some of my favorite humans from throughout my life. We explored How to be Human together, their thoughts and experiences through their own lives, explored who inspired them most and weaved through a few recurring themes.
We are coming to you a few days early to let you know that new posts and fresh episodes will be coming to you on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this appreciation week!
During this week I’ll present to you from the long list of people I wanted to interview, three very special humans in my life. Why did I choose these three? Perhaps proximity of hearts, timing of scheduling, and honestly intrigue for an array of perspectives.
On Monday we get to visit with Laura Gibbons whom I met in my teens. On Tuesday we touch bases with Dave Seljestad who I met in my 20’s. And to wrap up the week on Wednesday we share our sit down with Julie Webster who I met in my 30’s.
This week we’ll be bridging hand in hand across the inquiries of every single question from my “How to be Human” list with each of these humans. We’ll get to learn how they’ve approached life and living, growing and being a human. Who they’ve learned from, and what types of practices they utilize to keep being the best humans they can be.
During these conversations I found myself reflecting on the words they shared. These humans said a lot of the phrases and quotes I’ve heard before from others in various walks of life. Like, “You don’t know what you don’t know” “The ripple effect” “It takes a village” and more.
For some reason the phrases are landing different this time. I’m really hearing them with what feels like an open nervous system. I am listening fully and deeply without expectation. I am honestly and truly giving my full attention and in this giving I received a gift. The gems are LANDING!
These conversations are in depth. Feel free to read or listen along. A part of me wished I’d recorded the interviews in a way that could be replayed for all of you here via video, but perhaps that’ll be our next project. Whatever you do just be sure to give yourself time and space to hear and sense the gems sprinkled throughout these connections.
In appreciation of these humans, and all the wonderful humans in my life, I wanted to share some of the practices that have helped me on my own path. Writing happens to be one of those practices. I’ve been writing off and on for over 20 years now.
So why do I write? I write in appreciation of the words and messages that come through beautiful conversations and connections like you’re about to see. To allow them to continue, so that someone else may hear the wisdom that always rings true, but is capable of actually landing in a time and a place when they are ready to hear it, to feel it fully and to let it expand.
This feels as though it is my gift of giving. This is how I continue to appreciate and love the humans around me. As you’ll hear on Tuesday, maybe Dave’s words, that he might’ve heard from my Dad or his own Dad don’t land with his kids now, but perhaps if I say them, someone else will pick them up, one of his kid’s friends or parents and the message will still be delivered to someone he loves EXACTLY when they need it most. Talk about the ultimate web of support!
It’s not something you can always see. They’re internal bursts of realization. Unless someone shares their experience with you, you don’t always know how your words or what you’ve created lands. So, I live in the space of radical hope that my words, my sharing of experience are at least riding the waves into and beyond this web of support. I put them out there and let them set sail. And as for the rest? We let the Great Mystery handle all of that.
This type of expanded reciprocity, where we’re all working together for the greater good, through our lives, our experiences, our thoughts, our feelings and wisdom is just such pure gold. THIS is what I live for ya’ll. This is what I love for. And this is what helped me to let go of trying so hard. Effort for the sake of efforting is a waste of energy. Giving attention with intention is a gift.
May you all enjoy this appreciation, holiday week. May you find yourself able to reach out to someone who you admire. And may you hear the words you’re needing to hear the most through this beautiful web of support exactly in the moment when you’re needing them.
Enjoy these conversations Hedge Schoolers and let us know what you think about How to be Human!
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