Hello Hedge Schoolers,
Many of you will be familiar with the ripple effect. The impact of a stone dropped in water moving outward disturbing the once still surface. According to Wikipedia, "a ripple effect occurs when an initial disturbance to a system propagates outward to disturb an increasingly larger portion of the system." As human beings, we are both the stone and part of the system that is impacted by the stone's journey to the bottom. We, through our actions, words, and sovereignty, impact those around us. Others, through their actions, words, and sovereignty, impact our way in the world. This is the magic of relating. We are a whole, and part of the whole. The reverberation of our actions leaves an imprint on those we relate to.
We can only speak truthfully to our inner experience.
The outer experience of our shape is for others to shed a light on.
Our legacy is for others to carry forward.
Legacy, from the root word 'leg', means "to gather words". The legacy of the words that others gather in our memory. A bouquet of language in tribute to our ripple.
My brother Kev moved as a 17-year-old to Savannah, Georgia to follow his dream of playing Division I College Basketball. He passed away at the age of 21, so the last four years of his life were viewed from afar. We lived through second-hand information. Lived through his version of events and news articles. When he passed, his true ripple effect came to life.
People shared stories of his work ethic. His ability to always see people, no matter what social ranking they had. His patience. His dedication to pitching in and playing his part, even in the face of adversity. The ripple of his stone in the waters of others gathered so many more words to contribute to his legacy.
There is so much power in the way we meet the world. How we live into our relationships and the words others choose to represent that ripple effect.
What words would others gather in your honour?
It is beyond voyeurism. Human beings ripple in the waters of others. Wield the power wisely.
Till next week,
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