“An té a bhíónn siúlach, bíonn scéalach” - Gaelic Proverb
He who travels has stories to tell.
What is Hedge School?
A newsletter dedicated to reimagining learnedness.
Hedge Schools were secret illegal schools developed by the Irish in response to invasion. Their language, customs, and culture hung by a thread. Education used as a social and religious control tool drove the rebellious Irish to the land to keep the spirit of their Emerald Isle alive. Schools were set up in ditches, huts, under trees, anywhere, and everywhere. Why? Proud Bardic and oral traditions run deeply through Irish veins. Education is and was revered. By all classes of society. And not just any run of the mill education.
Communities demanded personalised curriculum. Nestle the classics amongst responses to the needs of our community. This honoured the original meaning of curriculum. For many of us, curriculum is what school did to us. I can speak to this deeply as a 20-year education veteran. But the original meaning of the word is 'running your own race'.
The Hedge School newsletter is designed to be the school on the side of the road. Ramshackle in appearance but situated in the moment. Just what you need. Perfect timing with a deep connection to place. You’ll feel us at the edge of new frontiers when you are in need of counsel, support and a place to be heard.
For this to take place, you are a required participant. Your voice. Your story. Your learning. I can only share my reality tunnel. Special guests will share theirs. But only you run your own race.
Come in, pull up a rock, and lean in. A story is about to start.
“I am not a teacher, I am an awakener.” Robert Frost
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