Finding Purpose Mixtape
Hello Hedge Schoolers,
Welcome to the Quest Mixtape for this week’s question - “How to find your Purpose”. In this penned letter, you will find the transformative component for our deep inquiry.
Quest mixtape
12 Favourite problems
Richard Feynman is one of the greatest thinkers to walk this earth. He always kept in his mind twelve of his favourite problems. These favourite problems were both moonshot goals and in service of others. List out your twelve favourite problems and see what quest leads to finding your Signature Sound. Joe Balcom has a great description of the process here and you can visualise how it leads towards your purpose in the image below.
The UNESCO Global goals are also another great source of data. This fantastic site helps you discover which of the 17 Global Goals most resonates. You can find your purpose here.
The Golden Circle - What, How, Why
Simon Sinek is a world-renowned thinker in business and human development. He is dedicated to helping people find their 'why'. To do this, he uses what he calls the Golden Circle.
As I mentioned above, our focus is predominately on the doing; the how and what. Not knowing our why leads to misalignment. Human beings need to know ‘the why’ when times get tough. Take the twelve favourite problems you listed above and complete the Golden Circle.
What is the problem?
How will you solve the problem?
Why solve the problem?
Try to complete this without overthinking. Put a timer on and work through a few problems to see what reveals itself to you.
Finding your Purpose
According to Professor Victor J. Strecher, author of On Purpose and Life on Purpose, there are six steps to finding your purpose.
Complete a values assessment. See 'What do you stand for? for guides
Emulation - who do you want to emulate? Choose someone or a mix of people that you wish to emulate.
Headstone test - Write your own epitaph
What are your goals? Break these into categories (personal, family, business, etc...). Start your goal with To...
Eg To bring deep questions and dialogue to the world
Look at the goals. Are they serving the world? Are they moonshot goals?
Post your purpose publicly. Interact with it daily. Share it with your friends.
Gene keys
What if your destiny was already predetermined? What if your birthdate, birth time, and birth location determined the gift you were called to give to the world. Gene Keys, developed by Richard Rudd, is a synthesis of I Ching, the Human Design System, and Astrology into a system that maps our destiny. It's a little out there for most but remember, life is a prototype. Run the experiment by completing the Gene Keys Profile. Does it provide you any more clues? Personally, I was really taken aback at the accuracy of the information. Part of mine is listed below
My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 63
You are one of the world's great questioners. Everything for you begins with a question, and you must carve the path of your life out of these questions. You need only remember one thing; the questions are not for you but for others. The questions are there so that you can find an answer for someone else.
Seems pretty on the money to me
Enjoy the quests,
Till next week,